Amuse-O-Matic 2000



Yo listen up here's a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya story
About a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya guy that lives in a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just Phew, that must of taken something out of ya like him inside and outside
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya his house with a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya little window
And a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya corvette
And everything is Phew, that must of taken something out of ya for him and hisself
And everybody around
Cos he ain't got nobody to listen to

I'm Phew, that must of taken something out of ya da ba dee da ba die...

I have a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya house with a Phew, that must of taken something out of ya window.
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya is the colour of all that i wear.
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so Phew, that must of taken something out of ya.
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya are the people here that walk around,
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya like my corvette, it's in and outside.
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya are the words i say and what i think.
Phew, that must of taken something out of ya are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm Phew, that must of taken something out of ya da ba dee da ba die...

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Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, Sorry I'm American, this song must be a "Canada Thing"
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused